Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING JESSICA KARP-BANSAL – In addition to promising a border wall (despite a 40-year lull in northward migration), Donald Trump has now put in writing his decision to defund so-called Sanctuary Cities. There are dozens of such cities around the country including major metropolises like Los Angeles, Chicago, and even Trump’s residential city of New York that count themselves as sanctuaries for immigrants. Those cities have adopted policies that broadly prohibit law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities in most cases.

According to Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Trump’s order will, “strip federal grant money from the sanctuary states and cities that harbor illegal immigrants.” Mayors of several sanctuary cities have already fired back that they will stand firm. On the state level, California Governor Jerry Brown in particular, strongly reiterated his commitment to protecting undocumented immigrants.

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Jessica Karp-Bansal, Litigation Director for National Day Laborer Organizing Network.

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