Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING VIVECA NOVAK – An underreported story in this most controversial of elections has been how much money has been spent by candidates and organizations. The numbers are mind-bogglingly large. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent during the primary races. In the lead up to the general election, billions were spent.

Ironically it is the Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and political action committees supporting her who have spent the most amount of money in the 2016 race. I say ‘ironic’ because it is the 2010 Supreme court decision in the case Citizens United Vs. FEC that unleashed much of today’s spending spree. Citizens United is a conservative organization that wanted to air an anti-Clinton documentary just before the 2008 primary election that Clinton was running in.

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Viveca Novak, Editorial and Communications Director, Center for Responsive Politics.

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